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Wanted: Volunteers to colonise Mars

Virgin Mars wants brave pioneers such as you to come and colonise Mars.

Virgin Mars wants brave pioneers such as you to come and colonise Mars.

Virgin Mars is looking for intrepid explorers, manic miners, assorted academics and a conglomeration of civilians from all walks of life.

Are you tired of life on Earth, fed to the back teeth with the petty rivalries of the nation states? Well, worry no longer, after 50 years all national, international and extraterrestrial governing bodies have agreed that the 6 Virgin Mars colonies are now ready to accept their first inhabitants.

The full list of Personal Requirements, Job Specifications and a Guide to Living in a Bubble can all be found by clicking here.

We are truly looking for people from all walks of life who are prepared to roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to make these colonies economically and socially viable.

NOTE: Applicants for must be between 5 and 45 years old. Applicants for Reserved Positions may be older and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Colonists will live in Domed Habitats such as this.

Colonists will live in Domed Habitats such as this.

What would you do? Would you give up what is a really safe, easy life on this planet, for a life that starts with a long and dangerous journey and which has no guarantee of either safety or outcome in the long term.

This is exactly what the pioneers of the colonisation of America, and then the expansion West. They packed up their families and their belongings, piled them into a mode of transport and headed off into the unknown.

Granted, their lives weren’t as easy and soft as ours, but for some, they would have been comparatively easy for those times. Despite this, and despite the fact that again, in many circumstances, they lacked the necessary skills for everything that they would need to do, they headed out.

Whilst this situation might not present itself to us in the near future, it might well present itself to our children. How exciting would that be! Our children leaving for another planet to start a completely new life. True pioneers.

About mattsylvester

Father of two beautiful daughters and married to the beautiful Karen, Matthew has been reading and writing fantasy and science fiction since he first read the Hobbit at the age of 7.


One thought on “Wanted: Volunteers to colonise Mars

  1. Reblogged this on Shaven Wookiee.

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    Posted by shavenwookiee | January 31, 2015, 10:30 am

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